Supposed’s Club Penguin Cheats & Secrets

March 5, 2008

Club Penguin New Game Hints

Hey guys!

The Club Penguin blog updated today, it gives hints on the next game! Check it out!


Hello Penguins!

As we promised, another new game is on its way to Club Penguin! The Club Penguin team has been working really hard on this one! I can’t say very much, but the image above is a bit of a sneak peek of what you’ll find when the game is released. And, I can tell you this    It is different than any other game we’ve ever launched

  •   * It is not an action game, like Aqua Grabber
  •   * It is not multiplayer (although we’re working hard on more of those as well)
  •   * It will be launched in the Book Room
  •   * It is really funny and something I hope you’ll all have fun with!

If all goes well, we’re planning to launch it this coming Monday!


Awesome! Hopefully it’s coming this Monday!


February 21, 2008

Newspaper 2/21/08

Hey! The new newspaper came out today, Check it out.

It looks like soon there is going to be a new kind of fish to the Fishing Game. I think it’s going to be coming out on the 29th.

They’re also talking about putting a different kind of books into the Book Room, You can check that out in march, Stay tuned!


Here is the up coming events!

Me and mohd are STILL Searching for the next member for MC.

The winner will be announced this Friday, February 22nd. So stick around! I will either post the winning video on either My youtube, or Mohd’s. Maybe both.

My youtube

February 1, 2008

Awesome new catalog! And rockhopper?

Hey everyone! Here is some awesome news from the new catalog.. And rockhopper?

Take a look..

Here is some of the catalog…

There is alot of stuff in the catalog, Check it out!

Here are some backgrounds, My favorite is the bubble one 🙂

There is also some new stuff at the beach.. It looks like plans for rockhoppers ship..
The new pin is also in the lighthouse

well, that’s all for now! Also check through the telescope at the beacon, It shows rockhopper going away in his little tow boat! And something else.. take a look!

That’s all for now, penguins! Cya around 😉

January 31, 2008

New News! 1/31/08!

Hey guys, the new news came! Check it out…


rockhopper is leaving tomorrow, They are saying stuff like we might be able to fix it, but who knows..

There is also a ” Clue ” Of the stage, I really have no clue what it could be.. Do you?

Well, that’s all for the news, here’s the upcoming events..

ALSO my hits are going down HORRIBLY!! can you guys please add me to your blog roll,
I need 10,000 hits for my party! And tell people about my blog, please!

That’s about it! Nothing exciting going on in the next month, well anyways…

Also, I need 200 subscribers! I will also have another party! So please subscribe to my youtube, and tell people about it! Thanks!
Youtube here!

Waddle on…!

January 28, 2008

Awesome new famous penguin vid!

Hope you like it guys, Sorry it’s kinda blurry in some parts, I used 2 video makers so that’s why 🙂

you can also watch it here…

Hope you like! And in other news, the new clothing catalog is coming soon, hopefully it will have way cool clothes! Well, anyways…

Waddle on…!

January 27, 2008

Awesome new vid!

Hey everyone! Me and mohd, once again did an awesome MC productions vid, Check it out!

Cool, isn’t it?

Also, check out this awesome new vid from Chava713, it’s the tightest vid so far!

Hope you all liked, in other news, my new goal is 200 subscribers, so get subbing!
Youtube here!

Waddle on..!

January 25, 2008

New igloo music!

Hey, penguins! There is new igloo music, 3 new choices actually, Take a look!


It has cool music, I’m glad they have the super hero music, because it is my favorite out of all the music, but too bad it doesn’t have the April Fools music, That’s my all time fav.

But anyways, enjoy the new music! Cya around 😉

Waddle on…!

January 17, 2008

Upcoming news

Hey, Penguins!

The news is finally here, with some awesome up dates! Check it out! …


Looks like some fun stuff is coming up! I Can’t wait for the Fiesta-val though 😉


It also explains what happened with rockhopper, he will probably arive to Club Penguin in the next week, or maybe this party? Who knows!

All you gotta do is check it out yourself 😉

Waddle on!

January 16, 2008

Rock hopper crash? chewy pup ( help ) !

Hey guys, some big news is happening in Club Penguin this week!

Well, first the party is coming up, which we can all look forward to that!

And, you’ve all been wondering ” why is that ice berg just floating around out there? ”

Well, now we have your answer! Take a look….
yup! thats right! Rockhopper has crashed into the ice berg, as you all may have guessed.

I’m guessing during the Fiesta-val, He will arive with some items and some help, Maybe even a surprise?
Well, In other news, the famous penguin, and a good friend
” Chewy Pup ” needs your help!

If you don’t know this dude, he makes a popular You Tube special called, ” Chewy TV ”

Which basically started the TV business in Club Penguin!

His penguin right now is ” Blue Gails ” but alot of people don’t know that he’s chewy pup, So please help!


Also, he’s going to quit CP if he can’t get ” chewy pup ” Back, So if you could, please call club penguin/email them saying GET CHEWY PUP UNBANNED! If you will do this, and if he does get unbanned, I will have a HUGE party on mammoth as soon as he does, And I will record as well.

So please help, Call club penguin! To find the number, google it!

Well, I hope you all help him out on this, Stay tuned for the Fiesta-val coming up! 😀

~Waddle on, Penguins!…

January 14, 2008

New Igloo storage!

Hey everyone! the new igloo storage is here, come take a good look!


yeah, it took awhile to load, now i’m only going to have 4 hours of sleep! I did this for you guys, But there is a place for..

Stuff for walls
Flooring items
And things for your puffles

And that’s about it, it also tells you where to exit now. Pretty usefull for the Newbies 😉

Well thats all for now…


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